We are helping Hälsinglands Sparbank to update their head office in Hudiksvall – a 5-floor K-marked building from the turn of the century. Our goal, together with Sparbanken, is to create a welcoming and modern environment for customers, as well as a highly-functional work environment for the bank’s employees.

We are extremely proud to play a part in this renovation project. Our work with Hälsinglands Sparbank involves the overall structure, traffic flow, logistics, form, function and design. It is exciting to develop a new bank concept where the customer, employees and the organisation are able to function as three equal parts of a whole – as one bank.
Our vision for the new interior is to use organic forms, plants and flexible partitions to create an open, bright, pleasant and inviting environment where we have preserved and highlighted the original building’s beautiful and timeless qualities. The words ‘commitment, closeness and openness’ are indicative of our work. The entrance level in particular will be an outward-looking, bright environment, which then shifts using more muted colours and subdued acoustics into a place for meetings of a more private nature.